In case of different injuries or diseases, surgery might be a necessary solution and, depending on the severity, the recovery process takes time. Physical therapy can help the healing process and the recovery after surgery. This is known as post-operative rehabilitation.

Physical therapy is a vital part of recovery after surgery. Not only can it help you heal faster, improve your flexibility and range of motion and minimize scar tissue development, it can help you manage pain levels without excessive use of pain killers.

Rehabilitation is the post-surgical program of re-establishing joint motion, muscle strength around the joint and finally joint function. It is very important to understand that rehabilitation is a long process. While the surgery is performed within hours, the rehabilitation needs many months.

Rehab Helps to Recovery:

  • Improve movement and range of motion in the part of your body where you had surgery
  • Strengthen your muscles
  • Reduce pain
  • Help you walk again -- first with crutches or a walker, and then on your own
  • If your involved any sporting activities, It helps you to resume your sporting activities again.