We are here to help you from your first contact with us at Sagar's Rehab through to the completion of the treatment.

Upon arrival you will need to complete a patient registration form, so it’s a good idea to arrive a little bit early for your first appointment. We will take your details and ask for your consent for us to treat you at Sagar's Rehab.

During your first appointment your physiotherapist will talk to you about your current problem covering any other significant past injuries or medical conditions, so they can better understand your problems or Physical Inabilities and the cause of pain and your medical history. They will do an initial examination which will include numerous relevant tests to establish the primary cause of the issue. We don’t just treat your pain, but look for the cause of your injury.

You will then be treated for your injury or problem by your physiotherapist using appropriate treatment techniques which may include manual therapy, soft tissue techniques, electrotherapy and Exercise Therapy, Etc..,.

At the end of your session, any exercises and/or the best course of action for your treatment will be decided and planned by your physiotherapist and any need for further treatment will be discussed.